Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hashish HSHS

Hi this DBD the Abyss! Just letting you know I'm still alive! :) also some news.

I have applyed a fellow members ECID to his Phones 3.1 LLB inside the HSHS String and then resized it to 0x24000 bytes and it succesfully restored!

This could help if I decide to move forth with the Jailbreak. Now I have not used any unsigned code so don't get to excited =P. But this seems promising :)

@geohot... Good job on your tools! Keep up the good work :D

Friday, July 17, 2009

Calling all unknown developers!

Ok guys our new project is to make a 3.1 jailbreak for 3Gs Meaning get your ECID's Ready cause were gonna get our jailbreak on >:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The 0wls Egg

As you may have seen in the comments we are making very fast progress and just need a couple patches for a Jailbreak

Arthur made a custom ramdisk here's what he said:

So what we have in custom dmg?

Its all original files + cydia package (also some other files and patches from 3G)

Also root partition now should be 700mb, so yo will have around 90mb extra for themes and cydia apps-

I myself must patch iBoot, iBec, and iBss with the RSA signatures in order to put ANY nice jailbreaking stuff :P

Let's get started and ha let's get it started in here!

Sorry for the cheesy title :P but we have more progress :)

ok first off We have patched iBoot ibec ibss the devicetree with ECID and now (as to allow a jailbreak) I applyed the RSA signatures (used for getting signed :P) and also some permissions. The RSA sigs and permissions are in iBoot only but the ECID is inside all those

shall we?
Let's get it jailbroken and ha... :D

Team members

Dmacpro91,drew,DBDtheAbyss,Arthur, derekg612 an a few people pitching in on geohots page.

project sn0wy 0wl

were unknown developments. Were making a tethered hombebrew jailbreak to relieve you people who want a 3Gs jailbreak now. Were a DAY into the project and we have already

patched all sig checked files with a unique ECID
team member Derek and I did this Derek made the method we use
Derek said:
"so i noticed that in the iBSS the "HSHS" string also exists. here's the hex string found in the iBSS, iBoot, and the purplera1nyday file... "48 53 48 53 8C 00 00 00 80 00 00 00". i'm gonna take a look at the other img3s as well.
a few minuetes later he ran a test restore
and said this:
the iBoot i created using the method described above worked for me. the phone is currently restoring... been copying files and progressing for a while now. it's gonna fail because i used a decrypted 018-5302-002.dmg file and when you do this it fails verification with apple at about 50% progress bar (iphone). i guess this means we can "patch" all of the files containing that hex sequence.

Later I made a patched iBoot and sent it to Team member Arthur. It was HIS unique ECID I encoded into iBoot.

For examples of my ECID patched system pieces go to it has no jailbreaking data as of yet but we are still working on patching :)